_messages at Fracanaüm/Le Bourg
8:00 PM20:00

_messages at Fracanaüm/Le Bourg

After a one-week workshop at UsineSonore in Biel, Switzerland, Ensemble Aabat will perform a concertized version of their new music theater installation, _messages.

The concert will take place during an evening of a series called Fracanaüm, hosted by Le Bourg in Lausanne. Please check out their links and events here! :



A link to the concert event is here:


_messages is a collaboration between the ensemble’s own Katelyn King, and composer Richard Stenton (StentonDotPress). You can find more information on _messages in the current projects tab.

This version of _messages is performed by:

Ruben Mattia Santorsa, Electric Guitar

Marie Delprat, Paetzold Flutes with effects

Katelyn King, Electronic/Percussive Setup

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9:00 AM09:00

Operation Music Theatre! at Operadagen Rotterdam

  • Kriterion in Het Groot Handelsgebouw Rotterdam (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A new edition of Operation Music Theatre (Operatie Muziektheater, OMT) will take place on Tuesday 21st May. This is the network meeting in the Netherlands for all stakeholders in the field of music theatre both in the Netherlands and abroad. Here, music theatre makers can present their latest work and get acquainted with programmers and other makers from all over the world.

Katelyn King will be present during the festival’s Professional’s Program to network and give a pitch on one of Aabat’s current projects, _messages.

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Mikrokosmos, Makrokosmos
8:00 PM20:00

Mikrokosmos, Makrokosmos

Almost the entirety of the vast macrocosm remains beyond our reach. The universe, planet earth, complex societies, ourselves­–are all macrocosms made by smaller structures and systems, but are essentially large-scale reproductions of its smaller structures. How can we analyze our microcosmic systems, to better realize our place in the larger macrocosm? What place do we individuals have in the manipulation of our own microcosmic roles?

Ensemble Aabat’s Makrokosmos is the second concert in a two-part series to relate smaller musical structures and scenes, to a larger, collective, self-reflective world.

The first concert, Mikrokosmos, as a part of Pakt’s “Flash Back, Flash Forward” musical evening in December 2017, took place outdoors and sought out the exploration of four small musical worlds. Makrokosmos will combine four performers in six separate musical and visual worlds into one shared space, in order to find a common order as one collective whole. The evening will be made up of creations, premiers, and concepts that involve many differing mediums including but not limited to: video projection, object theater, sculpture performance, new music, and vocal expression.

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Ensemble Aabat performs at the 30/30 Festival
10:30 PM22:30

Ensemble Aabat performs at the 30/30 Festival

  • Théâtre des Quatre Saisons (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ensemble Aabat will perform Manos Tsangaris' object theater piece, Tafel 1 (1989), at the (Trente)(Trente) Festival in Bordeaux, France.

The festival, taking place at various venues around the city, is one of only a handfull of festivals that admires and promotes short theatrical works-with durations of 30 seconds to 30 minutes long.

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